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Anything that is considered to be "archived" has already been used and has served its purpose, but is still stored on the Point2 website.

Carriage Returns:

A "carriage return" is placed in a document when the Enter key is pressed and is used to signal a new line; however, carriage returns do not work in HTML documents.

Case Sensitive:

"Case sensitive" data validation treats upper- and lower-case letters as different characters. Thus, "POINT2", "Point2", and "point2" would be treated as distinct, unequal terms. Password input fields often use case sensitive validation.


A collection of data that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated.

Drag and Drop:

The action of dragging an item on the screen from one location to another location. Dragging an item is done by placing the cursor over top of the item, and the pressing and holding down the left mouse button, with the mouse button held down, drag the item to the location where you would like it to be, and release the mouse button.

Drop-Down List:

A "Drop-Down List" (or "drop-down") is a list that under normal conditions shows the selected item from the list along with a down-pointing triangle on the right side. If you click on the down-pointing triangle the list "drops down", and you are able to select an item from the list. After you select an item from the list by clicking on the item, the list goes back to its original state only showing the item you selected.

Edit Privileges:

A user with "edit privileges" has the ability to change as well as view information in a document.

Equipment Data:

"Equipment Data" is all of the information that is stored on, or about a specific piece of equipment.


Frequently Asked Questions, a compilation of commonly asked questions about a topic and answers to those questions.


A "field" is an editable area of a form; that is, you can click in the field to place the cursor within it, then enter data in the field.


Hypertext Markup Language, the most commonly used language for controlling the format and layout of content on the internet.


"In-house" means at your place of business.


An "Internet-based" application or entity is used solely on the Internet, and its user interface is viewed in a web browser.


A "link" (or "hyperlink") is a selectable item on a web page that leads to another item or web page. Usually, a link is a picture or a section of text that is underlined and/or a different color than the normal text; however, there are exceptions.


The "ordinal" that is associated with an item delimits the item's position in a list or table.

Picture Format:

The format of an image determines how the image is described to the computer. Different formats use different levels of compression. The preferred formats for use on the internet are GIF and JPEG. You can identify the format of an image by looking at the file extension. The file extension is identified by the letters after the "period" in the file name. For an image that is named "image212.jpg", the file extension is ".jpg"; thus, the image is in JPEG format. You cannot change the format of an image just by changing the file extension.

Pop-up Window:

A "pop-up window" is a new browser window that opens on top of the current window.

Primary Photo:

The "primary photo" is the photo that will appear in the brochure and the detailed view of the equipment listing.

Radio Buttons:

"Radio buttons" are a group of buttons that are linked together in such a way that only one button in the group can be selected at a time.

Real Time:

A command issued in "real time" is carried out immediately. For example, when a detailed listing is created, it is immediately processed and placed on the site where others can view the ad within seconds after it has been saved.

Required Elements:

A "required element" is information on a form that must be filled in before the form can be submitted. If any of the required elements are not filled in, a message will be displayed informing you that the information must be provided before the form can be submitted.

Sortable Field

"Sortable fields" contain data which is used in a search for a particular piece of equipment or part. Sortable fields are usually required elements.


Some areas of Linxworks Exchange use a tab system as a user interface. It is very similar to the tab system in a file folder: the description of what is in the tab appears as a label on the tab. If you click on a tab, the contents of that tab's "folder" will be displayed.


Universal Resource Locator, the address of a website. The URL for Linxworks UsedIron is "".

User Profiles:

A user's "profile" consists of all the users information that is stored in the system, as well as all of the privileges that the user has, such as view or edit privileges.

View Only Privileges:

A user with this level of privileges can view information in the system but is not permitted to change it.

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